Hashicorp Vault provides all of the power and security of Vault, without the complexity and overhead of managing it yourself. It also provides various authentication methods like AWS, Kubernetes, Tokens, OIDC, Azure Active Directory, etc. to provision and dynamically injects secrets in infrastructure like EC2 Machine, Kubernetes pods, etc.

HashiCorp Cloud Platform features a web user interface to deploy and manage resources, including HCP Vault deployments in AWS. However, If you prefer to automate HCP Vault deployment, one recommended approach is to use HashiCorp Terraform with the HCP provider.

What we will cover:

In this post we will cover the following:

  1. Vault installation with High availability configuration in Kubernetes cluster using terraform.
  2. Enabling Kubernetes authentication in Vault using terraform.
  3. Inject Secrets in running pod dynamically.


  1. Kubernetes cluster up and running
  2. kubectl, terraform, helm, vault CLI installed
  3. some basic knowledge of terraform, kubectl and vault commands. (I will provide a link in end for reference)

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Hashicorp Vault for secret management in Kubernetes Cluster
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