HTML URL Encoding

Uniform Resource Locator or URL is used as the address of a document on the web. It can be composed of words, typically the Domain Name Server(DNS), or IP address. For example, is a URL.

The structure of this URL is as follows-



Scheme – Defines the internet service type, commonly http or https.

Prefix – Defines the domain prefix, www.

Domain – It defines the domain name of the internet,

Port – Defines the host’s port number, 80 is the default port number for http.

Path – Defines the path at the server.

Filename – It defines the name of the file or the document that is being displayed.

HTML URL Schemes

Some common URL schemes are-

  • Http(HyperText Transfer Protocol) – Used for common web-pages. It is not encrypted.
  • Https(Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol) – Used for secure web-pages. It is encrypted.
  • ftp(File Transfer Protocol) – Used for downloading and uploading files.

HTML URL Encode Characters

URL encoding is the practice of translating characters within URL to ASCII so that they can be easily transmitted and get accepted by all the browsers present globally on the internet. The non-ASCII characters are shown with a percentage sign (%) followed by hexadecimal digits.

Hence, URL encoding basically involves replacing a character that does not start with ‘%’ followed by hexadecimal digits to the ASCII character set. For example, if you want to type a space in the URL, you write it as %20. $ is replaced by %24.

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URL Encoding in HTML - HTML URL Encode Characters
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