Node.js Tutorials #5 - Mode with Express & MySQL - Using Express with MySQL DB with Node.js
Sample code in Node with Express and MySQL to develop a web backend with database. Create the REST APIs for GET, POST, PUT and DELETE and test it with Postman. Use Route parameters and querystring parameters in Express and use it create SQL queries

Node tutorials playlist -

00:00 Node.js - Express with MySQL - GET
07:16 Node.js - Express with MySQL - GET with Route parameters
13:39 Node.js - Express with MySQL - GET with Querystring
26:15 Node. - Express with MySQL - POST
36:23 Node - Express with MySQL - PUT
41:21 Node - Express with MySQL - DELETE
43:23 Node - Express with MySQL - Reset Data

Basics of Node.js Tutorials #1 - Starting with Node -
Basics of Node.js Tutorials #2 - Node & Express - GET request -
Basics of Node.js Tutorials #3 - Node & Express - POST, PUT, DELETE request -
Basics of Node.js Tutorials #4 - Node & MySQL - How to use Mysql database with Node.js -
Basics of Node.js Tutorials #5 - Node with Express & MySQL - Using Express with MySQL DB in Node.js -
Node.js Tutorials #6 - Node & Express Middleware - Using Middleware with Express in Node.js -
Node.js Tutorials #7 - Node & Cookies - Using Cookes with Express in Node.js - Cookie-parser -
Node.js Tutorials #8 - Node & JSONWebToken (JWT) - Using JSONWebToken (JWT) with Express in Node.js -

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Node.js Tutorials #5 - Mode with Express & MySQL - Using Express with MySQL DB in Node.js
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