Lesson 1: Multiple Root Nodes (Aka Fragments) & Setup

In our first installment of our Vue 3 Crash Course we are going to cover installing vue 3 via Vitejs (https://github.com/vitejs/vite) and creating components without needing to define a root node via Vue 3 Fragments (Aka multiple root nodes in Vue 3).

Vue encourages us to build our UIs by encapsulating UI and related behavior into components. We can nest them inside one another to build a tree that makes up an application UI.

However, sometimes a part of a component’s template belongs to this component logically, while from a technical point of view, it would be preferable to move this part of the template somewhere else in the DOM, outside of the Vue app.

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Vue 3 Crash Course: Lesson 1 ~ Setup & Multiple Root Nodes
3.05 GEEK