Python Vs PHP: What's the Difference?

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Python Vs PHP: What's the Difference?

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • What is Python?
  • What is PHP?
  • Why Python?
  • Why PHP?
  • History of Python
  • History of PHP
  • Python vs. PHP
  • Features of Python
  • Feature of PHP

What is Python?

Python is a high level object-oriented, programming language. It has built-in data structures, combined with dynamic typing & binding which makes it an ideal choice for rapid application development. Python also offers support for modules and packages, which allows system modularity and code reuse.

It is one of the fastest programming languages as it requires very few lines of code. Its emphasis is on readability and simplicity, which make it a great choice for beginners.

What is PHP?

PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. It is a server-side scripting language. It is used to develop a dynamic website or web application. PHP can easily integrate with all major web servers on all major operating systems.

PHP is the widely-used, free, and efficient option to competitors such as Microsoft's ASP. Non-technical users can easily learn a few useful tricks to make their web pages easier to manage, and more useful.

Why Python?

Stackoverflow Python vs. PHP tags

Here, are certain reasons why you should select Python:

  • Compared with the code of other language python code is easy to write and debug. Therefore, its source code is relatively easy to maintain.
  • Python is a portable language so it can run on a wide variety of Operating systems and platforms.
  • Python comes with many prebuilt libraries which makes your development task easily.
  • Python helps you to make complex programming simpler. As it internally deals with memory addresses, garbage collection.
  • Python provides an interactive shell which helps you to test the things before it's actual implementation.
  • Python offers database interfaces to all major commercial DBMS system.
  • Python supports GUI applications and has as a framework for Web. Example: tkmter, WXPython, Django.

Why PHP?

Here, are prime reasons why you should select PHP:

  • PHP runs on various platforms like Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.
  • PHP is compatible with almost Apaches, IIS servers
  • PHP is easy to learn which runs efficiently on the server side
  • PHP is free to download from its official website

History of Python

Google Trends Python Vs. PHP

  • Python s first conceived in the late 1980s, but its implementation started only in December 1989
  • It was invented in the Netherlands, by Guido van Rossum.
  • Rossum published the first version of Python (0.9.0) in February 199
  • t was derived from ABC programming language which is a general-purpose programming language.
  • Nowadays Python is maintained by a core development team although Rossum still plays a vital role in directing it's progress

History of PHP

  • PHP was started as a Perl hack in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf
  • It was rewritten again in 1997 and released as PHP2.0 with a new passer engine by Zeev Suraski and Gutmans.
  • PHP 2 transformed the language into a Server-side scripting language.
  • PHP 3 (1998) added support for ODBC(Open Database Connectivity) multiple platform support and email protocols are added
  • PHP 4 version which was released in the year 2000 has become an independent component of the web server for added efficiency.
  • PHP 5 which was released in the year 2004 adds Zend Engine II with object-oriented programming, robust XML support.

Python vs. PHP

Features of Python

  • Easy to learn, read and maintain
  • It can run on various hardware platforms & using the same interface.
  • You can include low-level modules to the Python interpreter.
  • Python offers an ideal structure and support for large programs.
  • Python offers support for automatic garbage collection.
  • It supports for an interactive mode of testing and debugging.
  • It offers high-level dynamic data types and also supports dynamic type checking.
  • Python language can be integrated with Java, C, and C++ programming code.

Features of PHP

  • Database Integration Supports many databases, such as Oracle, MySQL, etc.
  • It is easy to use, compare to another scripting language
  • It is faster than another scripting language, e.g., ASP and JSP
  • Open source means you don't need to pay for using PHP; you can freely download and use it
  • PHP has some predefined error reporting constants to generate an error notice or warning
  • PHP offers access logging by creating the summary of recent accesses of the user.

What is better?

Even after comparing both of these languages, selecting one is an undoubtedly difficult task because PHP and Python both are good on their way. Python is the gateway to machine learning codes. On the other side, PHP is used for server-side scripting and web development. 

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Further reading

Python Tutorial - Python GUI Programming - Python GUI Examples (Tkinter Tutorial)

Python Programming Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners

8 Awesome PHP Web Scraping Libraries and Tools

PHP vs. Node.js

Python vs Java: Understand Object Oriented Programming

#python #php #web-development

Python Vs PHP: What's the Difference?
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