MySQL/Eloquent force id by left join even if null

I have this query wrote in Eloquent :

    return TypeModel::with(['apt' => function($q) use ($id){
        $q->leftJoin('build_apt', function($join) use($id){
            $join->on('build_apt.id_apt', '=', 'apt.id_apt');
            $join->on('build_apt.id_build', '=', DB::raw($id->id_build));

Equivalent SQL :

FROM `apt` 
LEFT JOIN `build_apt` 
    ON  `build_apt`.`id_apt` = `apt`.`id_apt` 
    AND `build_apt`.`id_build` = 1 
WHERE `apt`.`id_typeapt` in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

I have the result I need except one thing, the id given is null :


How can I force it to look for the id from the table "apt" and not giving me "null" as a result?

Thanks you!

EDIT : Where clause is coming from the with

public function apt(){
    return $this->hasMany(AptModel::class, 'id_typeapt', 'id_typeapt');


id_apt was crushed by the other id_apt with a simple rename I could retrieve the id :

    return TypeModel::with(['apt' => function($q) use ($id){
        $q->leftJoin('build_apt', function($join) use($id){
            $join->on('build_apt.id_apt', '=', 'apt.id_apt');
            $join->on('build_apt.id_build', '=', DB::raw($id->id_build));
    }])->select(DB::raw("*, apt.id_apt as id_apt);

#php #mysql #sql #laravel

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