In this #Angular tutorial we will continue to explore Angular dependency injection in depth and we will learn what is resolution modifiers in Angular DI and see them in action. We will cover all 4 modifiers like: @Optional() vs @Host() vs @Self() vs @SkipSelf(). Each of this annotation impact on how Angular will be resolving dependencies in the injector tree. I hope you will learn something new from this video, so thank you for your attention and enjoy watching ;)

⚠️ P.s This topic is not so hard however it requires some background of how Angular resolves dependencies by default. The good news is that I have a video about this:

✅ Angular Dependency Injection – Understanding hierarchical injectors (2020)

🙏🏻 If my videos really help you, you can express your gratitude by donating any amount via this link: 😊

🕒 Time codes:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:37 - Quick recap of how Angular resolves dependencies
00:01:30 - What are resolution modifiers?
00:01:55 - About @Optional()
00:04:39 - About @Self()
00:08:22 - About @SkipSelf()
00:09:49 - About @Host()
00:14:01 - Outro

------------------- See my another videos about Angular -------------------

✅ Check out my video “My TOP 5 Angular Interview Questions”

✅ Check out my videos about Angular Material Library:

✅ Check out my videos about Angular CDK:

🔗 Links:
More about Dependency Injection:

#angulartutorial #webdevelopment #dependencyinjection

Angular Dependency Injection in Depth - Resolution Modifiers (2021)
1.85 GEEK