JAVA QUESTIONS FOR FRESHERS ( Vestino Technologies )

1.What is JAVA?
2.What is thread in java
3.How to take input in java
4.How to set path in java
5.What is enumeration in java
6.What is inheritance in java
7.How to compare two strings in java
8.What is abstraction in java
9.What is encapsulation in java
10.What is collection in java?
11.What is api in java?
12.How to initialize array in java?
13.How to take input from user in java?
14.What is static in java?
15.What is package in java?
16.How to sort an array in java?
17.What is an abstract class in java?
18.What is method in java?
19.How to check java version?
20.What is a class in java?
21.What is core java?
22.How to enable java in chrome?
23.What is string in java?
24.What is exception in java?
25.Why multiple inheritance is not supported in java?
26.How to take string input in java?
27.What is singleton class in java?
28.What is array in java?
29.What is garbage collection in java?
30.Why we need encapsulation in java?
31.What is jvm in java?
32.What is java programming?
33.How hashmap works internally in java?
34.Who invented java?
35.How to execute a java program?
36.How to get input from user in java?
37.What is bytecode in java?
38.How to set classpath in java?
39.How to connect database in java?
40.What is enum in java?
41.How to uninstall java?
42.How to find duplicate characters in a string in java?
43.How to take character input in java? to read string in java?
45.How to round off numbers in java?
46.How to get current date in java?
47.What is dao in java?
48.What is awt in java?
49.What is framework in java?
50.How to update java?
51.How to run java program in command prompt?
52.What is variable in java?
53.What is the difference between java and javascript?
54.How to count the number of occurrences of a character in a string in java? to read excel file in java?
56.What is a method in java?
57.How to read csv file in java?
58.How to check java version in windows?
59.What is public static void main in java?
60.Why we use interface in java?
61.What is the purpose of serialization in java?
62.What is functional interface in java?
63.What is this keyword in java?
64.How was java initially named?
65.How to remove duplicate elements from array in java?
66.What is difference between throw and throws in java?
67.What is classpath in java?
68. Why is Java Platform Independent?
69.What is Method overloading? Why is it used in Java?
70. What is Method overloading? Why is it used in Java?
71.Why is Java Robust?
72. Why is Java Secure?
73. What is the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM?
74.What are the features of Java?
75. Does Java Support Pointers?
76.Why are Static variables used in Java?
77.What are static methods, static variables, and static blocks?
78.What’s the use of static methods?
79.What’s the use of static variables?
80.What are the interfaces?
81.How is Abstraction achieved in Java?
82.Why are strings immutable in Java?
83.What are wrapper classes in Java?
84.Can interfaces in Java be inherited?
85.Are static methods allowed in a Java interface?
86.How is garbage collection done in Java?
87.Can there be two main methods in a class?
88.Can private variables be inherited?
89.Can the size of an array be increased after declaration?
90.What is the size of the below array in memory?
int a[]=new int[10];.
91.How many data types does java support?
92.How to find out the ASCII value of a character in java?
93.How to get a string as user input from the console?
94.How to check the size of strings?
95.How can we sort a list of elements in Java?.
96.If we sort a list of strings how would be the strings arranged? The strings would be arranged alphabetically in ascending order.
97.The difference between throw and throws in Java?
98.Can we make an array volatile in Java?
99.Can I store a double value in a long variable without casting?
100.Which one will take more memory, an int or Integer?
101.The difference between nested static class and top-level class?
102.What is the use of the final keyword?
103.What’s the difference between deep copy and shallow copy?
104.What’s the use of default constructor?
105.What is object cloning?
106.Why are static blocks used?
107.What is the use of this keyword in java?
108.What’s the difference between String and String Builder class in java?
109.How to calculate the size of an object?
110.What’s the difference between == and .equals()?

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