Mapbox-gl-js: Interactive, Thoroughly Customizable Maps in the Browser

Mapbox GL JS is a JavaScript library for interactive, customizable vector maps on the web. It takes map styles that conform to the Mapbox Style Specification, applies them to vector tiles that conform to the Mapbox Vector Tile Specification, and renders them using WebGL.

Mapbox GL JS is part of the cross-platform Mapbox GL ecosystem, which also includes compatible native SDKs for applications on Android, iOS, macOS, Qt, and React Native. Mapbox provides building blocks to add location features like maps, search, and navigation into any experience you create. To get started with GL JS or any of our other building blocks, sign up for a Mapbox account.

In addition to GL JS, this repository contains code, issues, and test fixtures that are common to both GL JS and the native SDKs. For code and issues specific to the native SDKs, see the mapbox/mapbox-gl-native repository.

Mapbox GL JS gallery of map images

Caption: (Mapbox GL JS maps, left-to-right, top-to-bottom): Custom styled point clusters, custom style with points, hexbin visualization on a Dark style map with Popups, data-driven circles over a raster layer with satellite imagery, 3D terrain with custom Markers, Mapbox Movement data visualization.

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Author: Mapbox
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License: View license

#javascript #map #webgl #mapbox #vector 

Mapbox-gl-js: Interactive, Thoroughly Customizable Maps in the Browser
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