Hope this video will be interesting in Custom REST APIs or RESTFUL APIs or Microservices development base on Cassandra No-SQL database, spring boot, and spring data to be helpful for those who are interested.
Technology & Tools used:
1.Eclipse IDE
2.Java 8+, Spring Boot and Google Postman(REST APIs Client Testing)
3.Spring boot DevOps and Actuator tools
4.Micrometer, Prometheus, and Grafana monitoring tools
5.Maven as a building tool
6.Cassandra No-SQL database (backend server)
7.jar based packaging(springcassandrarestfulws-
8.External or client-side configuration & deployment(Development, Production, and Test) and Web GUI/UI testing
9.Spring Boot profiles & Application Profiles

#cassandra #rest api #spring boot #crud

Cassandra | REST API | Web Services | Spring Boot
1.10 GEEK