Last year, GitHub quietly released a feature that was quickly noticed by the community – profile READMEs. A profile README is a global README  file for your GitHub profile, which you can set up by creating a public repository whose name is identical to your GitHub username. For instance, as my username is osteel , I created the osteel/osteel  repository.

A little box like this one should appear while you add your own:

Once the repository is created, add a

READMEfile with a short description explaining how great you are, and your GitHub profile page will display its content by default:

Neat and simple.

As I was  browsing examples for some inspiration, I stumbled upon Simon Willison’s  version, which features some dynamic content like recent work and blog publications. He explained how he used a combination of  GitHub Actions and Python to achieve this in a  blog post, and I decided to do something similar with PHP.

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How to Build a Dynamic GitHub Profile with GitHub Actions and PHP
3.20 GEEK