Golang has an inbuilt package called strconv that provide functions that convert string to int. The Atoi() Sscanf(), and ParseInt() are three functions that convert Golang string to int. Go is the statically typed language, data types are bound to variables rather than its values. What does that mean is that if you define the variable as int, it can only be int; you can’t assign the string to it without converting the string data type of a variable.

How To Convert Golang String To Int

Go is statically typed. Every variable has the static type, that is, precisely one type known and fixed at compile time: int, float32, *MyType, []byte, and so on. In Go, data types are used to distinguish one specific type of data, defining the values that you can assign to a type and the operations you can execute on it. In programming, there are times when you will need to convert values between types to modify values differently. So, type conversion in Golang is one of the most important topics.

There are three ways you can convert go string to integer(number).

  1. strconv.Atoi()
  2. strconv.ParseInt()
  3. fmt.Sscanf()

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How To Convert Golang String To Int Example Tutorial
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