Microservices empower developers to rapidly build applications that are easy to deploy, monitor, and configure remotely. Let’s look at the best practices for containerizing a microservice (in our model, we use Spring Boot applications) using the Docker image in K8s utilizing Helm charts.

Best Practices in Dockerizing a Microservice

Spring Boot applications with the uber-container approach are independent units of deployments. This model is great for environments like virtual machines or Kubernetes clusters since the application carries all it requires with it. Docker gives us a way to bundle dependencies. It is essential to put the whole Spring Boot JAR into the Docker image.

The single-layer approach is simple, fast, and straightforward to use. The outcome is a working Docker image that runs precisely in the way you would expect a Spring Boot application to run. Thus, we can make a Docker file in our Spring Boot project:

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Containerization and Helm Templatization Best Practices for Microservices in Kubernetes
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