We are excited to announce Pylance, our fast and feature-rich language support for Python! Pylance is available today in the Visual Studio Code marketplace.

Pylance depends on our core Python extension and builds upon that experience, for those of you who have already installed it.

Optimized performance

Pylance is a new language server for Python, which uses the Language Server Protocol to communicate with VS Code.

The name Pylance serves as a nod to Monty Python’s Lancelot, who is the first knight to answer the bridgekeeper’s questions in the Holy Grail.

To deliver an improved user experience, we’ve created Pylance as a brand-new language server based on Microsoft’s Pyright static type checking tool. Pylance leverages type stubs (.pyi files) and lazy type inferencing to provide a highly-performant development experience. Pylance supercharges your Python IntelliSense experience with rich type information, helping you write better code, faster. The Pylance extension is also shipped with a collection of type stubs for popular modules to provide fast and accurate auto-completions and type checking.

In 2018, the Python team at Microsoft released the Python Language Server, bringing Visual Studio’s rich Python IntelliSense support to Visual Studio Code. Since our initial release, the Python community has provided us with invaluable feedback about how we can make the user experience of our Python Language Server even better. Over the past several months, we have evaluated how we can make the language server more performant and empower you to write your best code.

Today, we are happy to announce the outcome of this work as the new Pylance language server.

Alongside its performance, there are a few great features that Pylance offers.

Type Information

Type information is now available in function signatures and when hovering on symbols, providing you with helpful information to ensure that you are correctly invoking functions, to improve the quality of the code you write.

Image type information


One of our most requested features is finally here! With auto-imports, you are now able to get smart import suggestions in your completions list for installed and standard library modules.

Image auto imports

#visual studio code #python

Fast, feature-rich language support for Python in Visual Studio Code | Python
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