Learn the MERN Stack and create an app step-by-step in this video.

MERN is the acronym for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js combination of Javascript-based technologies which are used to build advanced web applications.

MERN is full-stack, following the traditional 3-layered architectural pattern, including the front-end layer (React.js), application layer (Express.js and Node.js), and database layer (MongoDB).

Enjoy the video!


  • 00:00:00 Intro to MERN Stack Development
  • 00:00:40 What is MERN?
  • 00:01:03 Is MERN a full stack?
  • 00:02:38 MERN Architecture
  • 00:06:10 Why Choose the MERN Stack?
  • 00:10:20 Project setup
  • 00:16:23 Server-side Setup
  • 00:21:10 Client-side Setup
  • 00:27:38 MogoDB Setup
  • 00:43:05 Setting up Routes
  • 00:52:16 Setting up Controllers
  • 00:56:28 Setting up Models
  • 01:02:46 Server-side setup for Fetching the data from the Database
  • 01:10:28 Server-side setup for Creating a Student
  • 01:15:06 HTTP codes explained
  • 01:16:50 React application setup and structure building
  • 01:41:02 Components structure building for creating and showing students
  • 01:49:42 Client-side setup for creating a student
  • 02:17:27 Displaying students on the web app
  • 02:33:49 Client side setup for deleting a student
  • 02:45:18 Server-side setup for deleting a student
  • 02:51:03 Ending notes

#mern #mongodb #node #react #express

MERN Stack Full Course + Project for Beginners (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js)
132.75 GEEK