Artificial general intelligence will be a technology that pairs its general intelligence with deep reinforcement learning.

It is not every day that humans are exposed to questions like what will happen if technology exceeds the human thought process. Or what will happen if machines became conscious or start having conscience so that they can take decisions, equivalent to that of humans? Sounds Catastrophic, Right? However, scientists and researchers are looking out for an alternative solution that can perform tasks which the traditional artificial intelligence and its subsidiaries cannot. Termed as Artificial General Intelligence, this cutting edge technology has been acknowledged by scientists and researchers, since the inception of artificial intelligence. Artificial general intelligence will be the technology that pairs its general intelligence with deep reinforcement learning.

The technology is said to be so advanced that it will replicate the human cognitive capabilities. Its artificial neural networks will not only emulate human behavior but will also compete with intelligence. The technology will ask questions to it, formulate a solution, and will chalk out hypothetical strategies before making any decision. It will perform every task that has been fed to the human minds about AI with sci-fi movies like Terminator. By utilizing deep learning patterns, big data and reinforcement learning, it will attain the capability to adapt itself in different situations and environments.

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Artificial General Intelligence: A technology with more Cons than Pros
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