My vue.js + vuetify and cordova starter, for building APKS and sell them

My vue.js + vuetify and cordova starter, for building APKS and sell them.


Nowadays, it is now possible to create an Android APK, and to sell it, by simply compiling the vue.js app using CORDOVA! No need to use IONIC any more! As long as your general CSS medias queries are well done in App.vue, it is good looking on all device, and code stays easy to do.

Presentation :

We can now create an Android APK and sell it, by compiling a simple application made in VUE.JS with CORDOVA. No need to use the IONIC framework anymore! The server can stay online on Heroku, for example, and the database on mongoDb atlas. It goes really very quickly if we no longer use Ionic and we do the CSS styles responsive queries in the App.vue file, it works on all hardware.

Official Link (French)

If you need to use Cordova plugins like Camera (French):

Project setup

  1. Clone this depot using SMARGIT, then run
  2. #npm install
  3. Install a cordova app in another directory
  4. #cordova create cordovatest com.exemple.test "My app"
  5. Install Android Studio, SDK, JDK, Gradle then check that everything is ok:
  6. #cordova requirements

Developping the front end vue.js app:

Develop the vue.js application on localhost: 8080: everything happens in the \ src directory

Go to the \ vuetify-mobile-cordova dir, then hit, to start the dev env:

#npm run serve

Then, gotto the \ src directory and start developping .

Packing the production app:

Package the vue.js front end application for production:

Go to the \ vuetify-mobile-cordova dir then hit:

#npm run build

the packaged app will appear in the \ dist directory.

Build the APK:

Moove the \ vuetify-mobile-cordova \ dist content to cordovatest \ www, then run:

#cordova build android --prod

Preview the APK:

#cordova run android

Sell ​​it on the GOOGLE STORE:

you have to sign the APK

You need to sign the apk and open a google store dev account.

Check this link:

Run your vue.js tests

#npm run test

Lints and fixes files

#npm run lint

Adb problems:

Tested OK on:

  • Android 8.0 - Mobile Phone

Preview the APK = KO on:

  • Android 4.0 (Seems to be too old) - Samsung tablet

Known Problems - Known Problems

  • USB port is not powerful enough, add a powered usb hub. The USB port is not drawing enough current, add a powered USB hub.


My 2020 vue.js + vuetify and cordova starter, for building Android APK and sell them. French: Starter to create APK Androids apps with only VUE.JS then sell them.


vuejs vuetify cordova android apks apk mobile-app mobile-development boilerplate starter




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Download Details:

Author: nicolas15000

Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript

My vue.js + vuetify and cordova starter, for building APKS and sell them
30.80 GEEK