
In this tutorial, we will be starting from scratch, with an empty Kubernetes cluster running on GKE. We chose GKE so we could share how Argo CD can be exposed publicly and securely to a group of developers, instead of limiting the demo to a toned-down local and private environment. Of course, if you wish to follow along using only your workstation, you can do so by creating a Kind cluster in just a minute.

This tutorial also assumes you have downloaded and installed kubectl and the argocd CLI.

Bootstrap Networking and Ingress in Your Environment

Starting from scratch, we will scaffold our Kubernetes environment with all the desired tooling in just a few clicks, using the K8s Initializer at

K8s Initializer screenshot

The K8s Initializer will ask questions about your target Kubernetes cluster, your load balancer, and where you’d like to terminate TLS. It will give you options to configure CI/CD, Argo is the obvious choice, as well as monitoring. After answering the questionnaire, the K8s Initializer will generate a zip file with a bundle of YAML files ready to be installed on your remote cluster.

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Deploy Argo CD with Ingress and TLS in Three Steps: No YAML Yak Shaving Required
4.90 GEEK