Making it easy for users to give feedback and automating the collection of feedback helps to get more feedback faster. Using artificial intelligence, you can analyze large amounts of feedback to get insights and visualize trends. Sharing this information widely supports taking action to enhance your product and solve issues that users are having.

Kilian Hughes, director of research & insights at Joyn GmbH, spoke about how they collect and use feedback to build user-focused products at Agile Testing Days 2020.

You have to make life easy for the users to ensure that you will get regular feedback from them about your live product, Hughes explained:

One of our guiding principles is to make it extremely easy for users to give feedback.

For example, the users of our video-streaming app only have to shake the app - an overlay appears - and they can already type in their feedback. Screenshots and log files are collected automatically and users don’t have to worry about that.

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Analyzing Large Amounts of Feedback to Learn from Users
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