**Round 1 (Online Test): **It was conducted on their platform. 4 sections covered General Aptitude, English, Reasoning, basics of Coding in C++, and flow diagram of certain codes were given with some missing blocks, and we were to identify the missing blocks. There were a few questions on AVL Trees so revise it very well before the test.

They shortlist many students for the interview, so even if you haven’t given your best, there are chances that you may get shortlisted for the interview, so start preparing early, do not wait for the results to be declared.

**Round 2 (Technical Interview 1): **This was the HR + Technical round for me. First, he gave his introduction and then asked me to give my introduction. After that, he told me to explain my project/s. So I explained one project which I did on the Graph Database.

Then he gave one coding question. In input, a matrix of size N*N was given. At each cell a character was present. Along with the matrix, a string was given. My task was to develop a function that takes matrix and string as input and return ‘True’ if that string is present in it, return ‘False’ otherwise. A string may be present in the row, column, or in any of the diagonal. (Basically, it was word finding game that we used to play in childhood)

#interview experiences #marketing #oracle

Oracle Interview Experience(Campus Placement - Application Engineer)
1.10 GEEK