Given two Binary Trees, the task is to create a Maximum Binary Tree from the two given binary trees and print the Inorder Traversal of that tree.

What is the maximum Binary Tree?

_The __maximum binary __is constructed in the following manner: _

_In the case of both the Binary Trees having two corresponding nodes, the maximum of the two values is considered as the node value of the Maximum Binary Tree. _

_If any of the two nodes is NULL and if the other node is not null, insert that value on that node of the Maximum Binary Tree. _


Tree 1                Tree 2
   3                    5 
  / \                  / \
 2   6                1   8 
/                      \   \ 
20                      2   8 
Output: 20 2 2 5 8 8
         / \
        2   8
       / \   \
      20   2   8

To construct the required Binary Tree,
Root Node value: Max(3, 5) = 5
Root->left value: Max(2, 1) = 2
Root->right value: Max(6, 8) = 8
Root->left->left value: 20
Root->left->right value: 2
Root->right->right value: 8

       Tree 1            Tree 2 
         9                 5
        / \               / \
       2   6             1   8
      / \                 \   \
     20  3                 2   8
Output:  20 2 3 9 8 8
         / \
        2   8
       / \   \
      20  3   8

#data structures #mathematical #recursion #tree #preorder traversal #tree traversals

Construct a Maximum Binary Tree from two given Binary Trees
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