P-filter: Filter Promises Concurrently


Filter promises concurrently

Useful when you need to run promise-returning & async functions multiple times with different inputs concurrently and get a filtered down result.


$ npm install p-filter


import pFilter from 'p-filter';
import getWeather from 'get-weather'; // Not a real module

const places = [
	getCapital('Norway').then(info => info.name),
	'Bangkok, Thailand',
	'Berlin, Germany',
	'Tokyo, Japan',

const filterer = async place => {
	const weather = await getWeather(place);
	return weather.temperature > 30;

const result = await pFilter(places, filterer);

//=> ['Bangkok, Thailand']


pFilter(input, filterer, options?)

Returns a Promise that is fulfilled when all promises in input and ones returned from filterer are fulfilled, or rejects if any of the promises reject. The fulfilled value is an Array of the fulfilled values returned from filterer in input order.


Type: Iterable<Promise|any>

Iterated over concurrently in the filterer function.

filterer(element, index)

Type: Function

The filterer function that decides whether an element should be included into result. Expected to return boolean | Promise<boolean>.


Type: object


Type: number
Default: Infinity
Minimum: 1

The number of concurrently pending promises returned by filterer.


  • p-locate - Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function
  • p-map - Map over promises concurrently
  • p-times - Run promise-returning & async functions a specific number of times concurrently
  • More…

Download Details:

Author: Sindresorhus
Source Code: https://github.com/sindresorhus/p-filter 
License: MIT license

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P-filter: Filter Promises Concurrently
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