Dockerized Business Central with BcContainerHelper

This repository contains a module, which makes it easier to work with Business Central and NAV Containers on Docker. The module is work in progress and feel free to submit pull requests and contribute with good ideas. Documentation will be on the wiki.

Getting Started

VM on Azure

Follow the steps on

Local Installation on Windows or Windows Server

This would be the Steps to install Docker and BCContainerHelper on Windows 11 or Windows Server 2022:

1. Install Windows Containers Feature

Run PowerShell as Admin:

Install-WindowsFeature Containers -Restart

Computer restarts.

2.a. Download and Install Docker Desktop from

NOTE: You need either Docker Desktop or Docker Engine to run Docker on your computer - not both.

Follow the process here:

NOTE Docker Desktop might require a license, please consult the licensing rules before installing

2.b. Install Docker Engine using PowerShell

NOTE: You need either Docker Desktop or Docker Engine to run Docker on your computer - not both.

Run PowerShell as Admin:

Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -uri '' -OutFile (Join-Path $ENV:TEMP 'installorUpdateDocker.ps1')
. (Join-Path $ENV:TEMP 'installorUpdateDocker.ps1')

3. Install BcContainerHelper

Run PowerShell as Admin:

Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -force
Install-Module BcContainerHelper -force

4. Create you first container

Run PowerShell as Admin:

$url = Get-BCArtifactUrl -select Latest -type OnPrem -country w1
$cred = Get-Credential
New-BcContainer -accept_eula -artifactUrl $url -Credential $cred -auth UserPassword


NavContainerHelper is the main repo for the NavContainerHelper PowerShell module on PowerShell Gallery. NavContainerHelper will as of August 1st 2020 only receive bug fixes.

master is the main repo for the BcContainerHelper PowerShell module on PowerShell Gallery. BcContainerHelper will from August 1st 2020 ship as release and pre-release.

Please report issues in the issues list.

Download Details:

Author: microsoft

Official Github: 

License: MIT


Dockerized Business Central with BcContainerHelper
1.30 GEEK