Simple CAS Client for ReactJS for Apereo CAS server

React CAS Client

react-cas-client is a simple CAS Client for ReactJS for Apereo CAS server (CAS 2.0 and 3.0 protocol)


Install with npm

npm install react-cas-client

Install with yarn

yarn add react-cas-client


import CasClient, { constant } from "react-cas-client";

let casEndpoint;
let casOptions = {};

new CasClient(casEndpoint, casOptions)
  .then(successRes => {
    // Login user in state / locationStorage ()
    // eg. loginUser(response.user);

    // Update current path to trim any extra params in url
    // eg. this.props.history.replace(response.currentPath);
  .catch(errorRes => {
    // Error handling
    // displayErrorByType(errorRes.type)

    // Update current path to trim any extra params in url
    // eg. this.props.history.replace(response.currentPath);

CAS Endpoint:

Endpoint of CAS Server (eg. '')

CAS Options

  • path - CAS server service path (eg. '/cas-tmp') (default: '/cas')
  • protocol - CAS server protocol, can be 'http', 'https') (default: 'https');
  • version - CAS protocol version can be constant.CAS_VERSION_2_0, constant.CAS_VERSION_3_0 (default: constant.CAS_VERSION_3_0)
  • validation_proxy_path - Proxy path for application to make call to CAS server to validate ticket (!! Related to CORS issue !!)

Possible Error Types

  • constant.CAS_ERROR_FETCH - Error when validating ticket with CAS Server:
  • constant.CAS_ERROR_PARSE_RESPONSE - Cannot parse response from CAS server
  • constant.CAS_ERROR_AUTH_ERROR - User is not authorized

CORS Issue

Option 1

Update CAS server to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin for you application

Option 2

Using reverse proxy in your application, we will use ngnix as example.

  1. Update nginx conf to pass request from */cas_proxy to your cas server -
# nginx.conf

location /cas_proxy {

  1. Apply CAS options - validation_proxy_path to '/cas_proxy'


Test with npm

npm run test

Test with yarn

yarn run test

Download Details:

Author: alancting

Source Code:

#react #reactjs #javascript

Simple CAS Client for ReactJS for Apereo CAS server
24.15 GEEK