What is Flux Protocol (FLUX)?

Flux provides a user-friendly way to trade derivatives based on startup milestones, funding, products, or even scandals. Our platform is built atop four open protocols. These protocols include  Ethereum, Augur, 0x Protocol, and MakerDAO.  Augur is utilized as a decentralized oracle service for market resolution. By using  0x Protocol we enable off-chain order books reducing gas costs and enabling scalability. By incorporating  DAI (a collateralized stable coin) we take away volatility from our own holdings and in the future will be offering traders the ability to trade with a stable asset through the entire experience.

Why is Flux so Cool?

If you’ve ever read about, worked for, or even founded a startup, then you know that the majority of companies will never hit that unicorn status. Startups are exciting and volatile but there is no way to profit from a failing startup. At the moment, there is no way for the average person to speculate on the success of a startup without direct investment.

Flux enables the average person to trade and speculate on the startup ecosystem with a low barrier to entry.

What is an Example of a Market?❓

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Our markets will be centered around products, milestones, fundraising rounds, or even scandals (cough, cough, Theranos).

Example:_ Will Uber begin marijuana delivery as a service by the end of 2019 in California?_

When can I use Flux? ⏱

We are releasing our Alpha version of the platform in April to early bird users. To get exclusive early access visit Flux and we’ll send you some TestNet ETH to get you started with trading!

Would you like to earn token right now! ☞ CLICK HERE

Looking for more information…

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☞ Source Code
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What is Flux Protocol (FLUX)?
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