Making sense of Essential Patterns.

Any large scale Microservices application can realize the full benefits of the architecture and avoid common pitfalls by adopting certain successful proven design practices. We talked about how an API Gateway and a Message Broker can abstract out internal cluster complexities, provide a common location for implementing cross cutting concerns and improve application reliability in the first post of this series.

In this second and final post let’s look at :

  • How a Centralized Telemetry store can ease out tracing and debugging by providing observability into the request flow.
  • How a central Configuration store and an Orchestration engine can drastically reduce the operations cost and provide easy to use APIs for automation.

Centralized Telemetry Store :

A single client request workflow, might end up spanning multiple secondary requests which need to hop across microservices for them to be processed, making it very complicated to trace through the request flow and identify any failures or performance bottlenecks.

#architecture #technology #microservices

Practical approach to Microservices Architecture — Part 2
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