Responsive Admin Panel Dashboard for Flutter

Responsive Admin Panel Dashboard

A new Flutter project.

Getting Started

The dashboard is designed to adapt and function seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. It ensures a consistent user experience regardless of the device being used


fl_chart: ^0.62.0 
curved_navigation_bar: ^1.0.3


# Miscellaneous

# IntelliJ related

# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in
# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line
# is commented out by default.

# Flutter/Dart/Pub related

# Symbolication related

# Obfuscation related

# Android Studio will place build artifacts here


# This file tracks properties of this Flutter project.
# Used by Flutter tool to assess capabilities and perform upgrades etc.
# This file should be version controlled.

  revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
  channel: stable

project_type: app

# Tracks metadata for the flutter migrate command
    - platform: root
      create_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
      base_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
    - platform: android
      create_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
      base_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
    - platform: ios
      create_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
      base_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
    - platform: linux
      create_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
      base_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
    - platform: macos
      create_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
      base_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
    - platform: web
      create_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
      base_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
    - platform: windows
      create_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da
      base_revision: 2ad6cd72c040113b47ee9055e722606a490ef0da

  # User provided section

  # List of Local paths (relative to this file) that should be
  # ignored by the migrate tool.
  # Files that are not part of the templates will be ignored by default.
    - 'lib/main.dart'
    - 'ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj'

Download details:

Author: SajaHerez

#flutter #dart 

Responsive Admin Panel Dashboard for Flutter
1.10 GEEK