Left Employment to Be a Freelance Copywriter? 5 Strategies For a Smooth Transition

If the current economical climate has forced you into self employment as a copywriter, you might be feeling overwhelmed at the sudden changes to your lifestyle and income. Perhaps freelancing is something you’ve always wanted to do and you’ve finally taken the plunge. Either way, if you’re new to freelancing as a copywriter there are some simple steps you can take to make the transition period from full time employment for someone else to becoming your own boss.

Don’t Panic

If the switch from employment has been sudden, it’s easy to panic about all the things that are going to be different, especially the comforts of employment - having an IT department on hand to always sort out problems with your computer for example or maybe you need professional essay writing help for starting. Try not to think of everything that’s going to be different. Take a few deep breaths, and accept to just take things one step at a time.

Consider Where You Will Work From

Most people will start working from home - it’s cheap, saves time on travel and you can pretty much start straight away. Make sure your work space fits with your working patterns. Ideally try and set up a permanent base where you can feel settled and ready to work. Another option is co-working. There are many offices that offer co-working - a communal space where freelancers can work on their individual projects, but in an office setting. This is good for those people who think they might go insane working on their own the whole time and you never know - you might find some people to collaborate with for work! Co-working Can have flexible rates from drop in day rates to a more permanent work station that you can hire each month. Even if you don’t think it’s for you, it’s worth trying just to see.

Find Your Optimum Working Rhythm

One of the benefits of being self employed is that you get to set your working times. Some people are early risers, others are night owls. Experiment to see when you are at your most creative and productive. You no longer have to fit into the 9-5work frame…unless you want to of course.

Set Profit Targets

Before, chances are you knew how much you would earn each month. Now there’s, no guaranteed paycheck which can be the most frightening aspect of being self employed. But now you have uncapped potential. Your wage is no longer set in stone by HR - it’s defined by you. Set yourself targets of how much you would like to make so you have a clear idea of how much work you need to do, and how many clients you need to get on board before you achieve this.

Communicate With Others

Working for yourself doesn’t need to be isolating - there are great resources out there on the Internet that can inform you about working for yourself and put you in touch with other people who are doing what you do. Go on line, engage with people and you’ll soon see that freelancing as a copywriter isn’t as scary as you first thought.

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Left Employment to Be a Freelance Copywriter? 5 Strategies For a Smooth Transition
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