I have recently started writing about Data Science and Python on Medium. One of the time taking activity when writing any technical articles is to provide the supporting reproducible code. I have been using GitHub Gist and sometimes a screenshot of the code from Jupyter Notebook or other Python editor. But it all takes time as we need to toggle between Medium editor and Gist or other Python editor.

How about if we can directly import Jupyter Notebook to Medium as a draft? Yes!! That’s possible with the help of the **jupyter-to-medium** library which is released recently. Now, we can start writing stories using Jupyter notebook and we can quickly import to Medium as a draft story. Then make the necessary changes and then submit the publication.

_The author _Ted Petrou_ says__ — I’ve published dozens of blog posts on Medium myself with all of them beginning as Jupyter Notebooks. Manually converting them to Medium posts was a fairly lengthy, painstaking process. One particularly painful process was inserting tables, which Medium does not support, into my posts. Nearly all of my posts contain numerous pandas DataFrames (such as this one, which has 40! DataFrames) which are represented as HTML tables within a notebook. I’d take screenshots of each one to insert them into my Medium posts._


pip install jupyter_to_medium

After the installation, confirm by checking the extension as below. If it’s not showing up, you may restart the Jupyter notebook and also try running the below command to manually enable the extension.

#jupyter #jupyter-notebook #programming #medium #data-science #data science

How to Publish a Jupyter Notebook as a Medium Blogpost
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