Learn how to deploy a full-stack, database-driven web app without having to set up and maintain a complex multi-service infrastructure.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you my favorite workflow for deploying database-driven web apps. It’s meant for developers who want to go full-stack on their side projects without having to set up and maintain a complex multi-service infrastructure.

We’ll deploy a very rudimentary web app written in Node.js and Express. It allows visitors to write and save notes, and to read previously written notes. The data is stored in a MongoDB database. We’ll use GitHub Actions to create a CI/CD workflow that deploys our app on AWS Lambda.

The focus is on simplicity, pragmatism and cost saving. Since AWS and MongoDB have very generous free tiers, you can follow along free of charge. Remember, though, to undeploy the application afterwards if you don’t want to end up paying a few cents. Since your application will be publicly available, its usage can theoretically pass the free tiers in the long run. However, if you intend to extend this application for your own purposes, I can recommend this setup as being very affordable for a website with moderate traffic.

You can find all the code for this tutorial on my GitHub account.

#mongodb #express #serverless #node #github

A Guide to Serverless Deployment with Express and MongoDB
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