In this tutorial, I’ll introduce you to the useReducer hook in React by creating a Sticky Note app that has its state managed by a Redux-like store.

Setup and completed code is available on GitHub:

React Project: Sticky Notes App (useReducer Hook()

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 00:24 Project Overview
  • 02:39 Creating the text area input
  • 06:58 Creating the Redux Reducer / Store
  • 12:41 Using useReducer
  • 13:28 Dispatching the ADD_NOTE action
  • 17:30 Rendering notes on Page
  • 18:43 Styling the Sticky Notes
  • 20:34 Drag and Drop for Sticky Notes
  • 24:54 Deleting notes
  • 30:50 Using the other state items

#react #javascript

React Project: Sticky Notes App (useReducer Hook)
2.20 GEEK