The NEM blockchain has come a long way since its launch back in 2015. As one of the earliest and most prominent blockchain platforms, it has built a solid community globally, with XEM.

Later this year, NEM is launching the highly anticipated Symbol public blockchain, and with it XYM, the native currency of the platform. Read this Hackernoon piece to find out more about Symbol’s features and network architecture.

What does this launch mean for those who want to participate in the launch of Symbol, and more specifically what is the migration process from NEM NIS1 to Symbol?

The technology stacks between NEM NIS1 and Symbol are not compatible, meaning the Symbol chain will be introduced in parallel with NIS1. In order to give XEM holders agency throughout the migration, the token allocation of the XYM tokens will be determined by an opt-in process.

By opting-in, XEM holders will obtain an XYM balance equal to that of their XEM balance at the time of the Snapshot.

This article will break down everything you need to know about the opt-in process, snapshot, and how to be an early participant in XYM and Symbol.

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[Announcement] NEM is Launching The Symbol Blockchain with A Native Token (1 XEM = 1 XYM)
3.55 GEEK