Angular is a JavaScript framework that allows users to create single-page web applications (SPAs) with HTML as a template language. It is an efficient framework and it can be used to create Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) with a Model-View-Controller approach. It is a complete rewrite of the AngularJS, from the same team, so it bears many similarities. Angular is developed by Google.

Angular applications are cross-browser, open-source and completely free. Although Angular has fallen behind other frameworks like VueJS and React, it is still a leading JavaScript Framework for building large-scale, high-performance web applications.

If you are looking to learn more about Angular, here are some of the best books to get you started.

Best Angular Books

1. Beginning Angular with TypeScript
2. Learn Angular in 24 Hours
3. Angular Up and Running
4. Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications
5. Learning Angular
6. Pro Angular 9
7. Angular: From Theory to Practice
8. Ng-Book: The Complete Guide to Angular

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8 Best Angular Books for Beginners and Pros
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