Software development is a complex process, and coding is the crux of the development process. The complexity of the software is directly related to the quality of code. If the code is easy to understand and easy to change, then definitely it’s good software.

Every code works, even the bad one. The difference between good and bad code is the ability to perform a task more efficiently.

Writing clean code is a sign of good coding, but it is not an easy task. It takes time and practice to write clean code. Sometimes developers avoid writing clean code due to deadline pressure or being lazy. Either way, it hurts the overall quality of the software.
Clean code is easy to manage. Developers love working with clean code, as it makes it easier for them to manage the whole application. Nobody wants to work on an application with a horrible or messy code. It is a nightmare for most developers.

I’ve been coding for more than five years. I’ve realized that some developers unknowingly write bad code to save time. But they end up wasting more time as it creates more bugs, which they need to fix later by going back on the same piece of code.

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5 Simple Ways to Write Clean Code
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