React redux: Cannot set on an immutable record

I am trying to update my redux model from my reducer. The model is an extension of an Immutable Record class. I am trying to update the Record with the set method:

import { List, Record } from 'immutable';
import { IFaqItem } from './api.models';

export interface IFaqsState {
loading?: boolean;
items?: List<IFaqItem>;
const faqsState = Record({
loading: false,
items: List()

class FaqsState extends faqsState implements IFaqsState {
loading: boolean;
items: List<IFaqItem>;

with(props: IFaqsState) {
this.set(‘loading’, props.loading);
return this;

export default FaqsState;

The reducer contains the following:

let response: IFaqsGetResponse = action.payload.response && action.payload.response.response;
return state.with({
loading: false,
items: List(response)

However this gives me the following error:

Error: Cannot set on an immutable record.


When I change the reducer from:

let initial = new FaqsState();

const faqsReducer: Reducer<FaqsState> = (state = initial, action: AppActions) => {


const faqsReducer: Reducer<FaqsState> = (state = null, action: AppActions) => {

state = new FaqsState();

it seems to work. Why is it not working when I give the initial state in as an argument?

#reactjs #redux

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