Artificial Intelligence Shows Promise

AIs are smart, but are they smart enough to trust in self-driving cars? That’s the question that many automakers ask themselves. As we see companies like Tesla push the envelope we are often left with a lackluster feeling.

Yes, some cars can drive themselves but no you can’t trust them. It seems to be the problem that self-driving car manufacturers put out there. This is also interesting given that Tesla currently offers the self-driving package at an expensive rate of around $7,000. But is it worth that cost?

AI is very promising especially as it gets smarter but is your $7,000 worth this risk? “ Tesla Crashes Into Truck — Link “. Let’s take a look at AI as a whole.

AI Helps Us Everywhere

By using artificial intelligence we are able to automate many of our daily tasks. It can help us with our online businesses, the internet of things, and even the construction industry.

AI has solved many of our problems and it continues to become more useful. As technology improves we are starting to see it in more places than ever before!

It can also create realistic-looking “ deepfakes “ which allows anyone to portray a famous person or objects. This will certainly lead to more innovative filming solutions in the future.

But that’s where the increasing demand is coming from for the automotive industry. As AI gets smarter we also start to demand more from it to solve even more of our daily activities.

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Will Self-Driving Cars Ever Be Smart Enough? — TechVirtuosity
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