At ReviewNB, we already support Jupyter notebook visual diffs & reviews for GitHub commits/ pull requests.

Today we’re releasing JDoc, a simple way for teams to review notebooks on GitHub. You can open a notebook in your repository & start discussion under any notebook cell. Teammates watching this repository or participating in the conversation will be notified (via email) so they can chime-in and move the conversation forward. This workflow would be very useful for Data Science / ML teams to review each other’s work, ask clarifying questions & provide feedback directly on the notebook cell.

Why the new feature?

We offer notebook review functionality on a pull request which works great in many cases but falls short in some.

  • Sometimes you don’t care about notebook diffs. E.g. I committed a new notebook with some ad-hoc analysis & would like to have someone on my team review it. Creating a pull request for the sake of review is a bit superfluous since there’s no diff for this file (newly added notebook) & there’s no merge-to-master workflow post review (ad-hoc analysis).
  • Not every notebook user is proficient with Git/GitHub. Asking them to create feature branches and open pull requests can be a bit too much. With JDoc, the author just needs to commit the notebook to GitHub and it’s available for review.
  • Sometimes you want to see all past discussion on a particular notebook & navigate to different version of the file. JDoc makes this easy with its notebook centric approach to peer reviews & version control.

#data-visualization #machine-learning #jupyter-notebook #github #data-science

Introducing JDoc: Team Conversation on Jupyter Notebooks
1.30 GEEK