Learn how to use JavaScript's map() and reduce() functions together to transform and aggregate data in arrays in powerful and efficient ways. This guide covers the basics of using map() and reduce() together, as well as real-world examples.

JavaScript map(), reduce(), and filter() are pure functions that return a new array and does not modify the original array. These functions are array methods. Each one will iterate over the array and perform some kind of transformation or computation. The map() function will return a new array based on the result of the function. In this post, you will see why and how to use an array map() with an array reduce() method.

Javascript Map Reduce

To use the Javascript map reduce, first, you transform the array using map() function and then reduce that array into a single value.

JavaScript array map() function creates the new array populated with the results of calling the provided function on every item in the calling array.

JavaScript array reduce() function executes the reducer function on each element of the array resulting in single output value.


Javascript Map Reduce: How to Use map() with reduce()
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