In this video we’ll see how to use SWR to fetch data, revalidate the data and stop refetching on focus.

We’ll be using the following techniques in this tutorial:

  • SWR and fetcher
  • mutate
  • stop SWR refreshing data on focus.

You can find the SWR code here:

  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:37 - Creating the foundation
  • 02:15 - Adding SWR
  • 03:20 - Creating a custom fetcher
  • 04:27 - Built in data and error handling.
  • 04:42 - Creating a loading and error screen.
  • 05:27 - Using Map to create a list of users.
  • 06:30 - Trying out data fetching.
  • 07:00 - What is happening in the console
  • 08:05 - Stop fetching on focus.
  • 09:10 - Adding revalidateOnFocus
  • 09:30 - Testing our new code.
  • 09:48 - Adding a button to add data.
  • 10:05 - Async onClick Handler
  • 10:49 - Posting Data to our API
  • 11:13 - Testing the POST
  • 11:29 - No data refresh
  • 11:55 - Adding Mutation
  • 13:09 - Testing Mutation
  • 14:15 - Outro

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Data Fetch and Revalidate with SWR
2.35 GEEK