Learn how to get YOLOv4 Object Detection running in the Cloud with Google Colab. YOLOv4 is brand new and boasts many performance and speed upgrades over it’s older version, YOLOv3. YOLOv4 is one of the world’s fastest and most accurate object detection systems. Walk-through the steps to run yolov4 with darknet detections in the cloud and harness it’s vast power and speed. ALL WITH FREE GPU! This tutorial covers it all!

  1. Setting up Google Colab as a Cloud VM with Free GPU.
  2. Commands to Build Darknet with YOLOv4 weights installed.
  3. Running YOLOv4 pre-trained coco model detections in the Cloud.
  4. Performing YOLOv4 detections on video in the Cloud.
  5. How to run Custom YOLOv4 commands with various flags.
  6. Performing YOLOv4 detections on multiple images at once.
  7. Saving YOLOv4 detections to JSON and Text Files.

Github Code Repository: https://github.com/theAIGuysCode/YOLOv4-Cloud-Tutorial
The Official YOLOv4 paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.10934
YOLOv4 Article Summarizing new Features: https://syncedreview.com/2020/04/27/yolo-is-back-version-4-boasts-improved-speed-and-accuracy/

#yolov4 #objectdetection #machine-learning

YOLOv4 in the CLOUD: Install and Run Object Detector (FREE GPU)
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