Python Tutorial For Beginners - Learn Python in 12 Hours - Python Full Course will help you learn Python programming language and its core concepts with examples from scratch. This Python tutorial video helps you to learn the following concepts:

1:55 What is Python?
3:40 Why is Python popular?
4:55 Features of Python
6:50 Where is Python used in the industry?
7:50 Learning Path
9:15 Career Opportunities
10:30 How Netflix use Python?
11:55 How does it use Python?
18:15 Python Developer Salary
18:50 Who is Python Developer?
19:20 Python Developer Job Trends
21:55 How to become a Python Developer?
23:05 Who is a Python developer?
33:50 Job Roles
41:40 Emerging Job Roles
44:30 Road Map
47:05 Python Installation
54:30 How to run a Python program?
58:35 Best IDE for Python
59:35 What is an IDE?
59:50 Features of an IDE
1:00:50 Best IDEs of Python
1:07:40 PyCharm Tutorial
1:07:42 Introduction to PyCharm
1:09:07 Features of PyCharm
1:28:02 Comments in Python
1:28:52 What are Comments?
1:29:47 When to use Python?
1:30:22 How to write comments in Python?
1:32:22 Types of Comments
1:35:57 Docstring Comments
1:39:02 Variables & Data Types
1:39:17 Variable definition & Declaration
1:41:22 Data Types
1:41:42 Numbers
1:43:12 String
1:46:02 List
1:48:12 Dictionary
1:50:12 Tuple
1:51:27 Set
1:53:52 Type Conversion
1:54:42 Python Collections
1:57:12 Specialised Collections Data Types
2:14:57 Arrays
2:15:32 What is an Array?
2:17:27 How to create Arrays in Python?
2:20:52 Accessing Array Elements
2:22:42 Basic Array Operations
2:24:27 Adding elements to an Array
2:27:52 Removing Elements of an Array
2:33:42 Slicing an Array
2:36:12 Looping through an Array
2:39:57 Hash Table and HashMap
2:41:37 Creating Dictionaries
2:44:02 Nested dictionaries
2:46:52 Performing Operations on Hash Table
2:55:32 Operators in Python
3:13:17 Loops in Python
3:13:52 Why to use Python?
3:16:12 What are Loops?
3:18:07 Loops in Python
3:18:17 While Loop
3:26:22 For Loop
3:32:22 Nested Loop
3:48:12 Patterns in Python
4:24:27 File Handling
4:25:07 Why need File Handling
4:27:02 Types of Files
4:28:37 What is File Handling?
4:29:22 Python File Handling System
4:32:52 File Operations for Reading
4:41:27 Python File Write Method
4:47:37 Decorator
4:48:22 Functions in Python
4:54:07 Decorators in Python
5:08:32 Lambda
5:10:17 How to write Anonymous functions?
5:29:02 Map-Reduce Functions
5:29:47 Introduction to map(), filter(), reduce()
5:46:22 What are Generators?
5:47:32 Normal functions vs Generators
5:48:02 Writing Generators in Python
5:52:57 Generators with Loops
5:53:57 Generator Expressions
5:56:22 Use-Cases
6:02:27 OOPS Concepts
6:03:07 Classes & Objects
6:33:47 Inheritance in Python
6:36:52 Types of Inheritance
6:42:47 Python Super Function
6:44:52 Exception Handling
6:54:42 Try & Except block
7:05:52 Python Module
7:07:47 How to create a Module?
7:17:33 Python Modules Search Path
7:24:23 Date & Time
7:24:58 time module
7:38:23 Numpy
7:38:58 What is Numpy?
7:41:43 Numpy vs List
7:49:03 Numpy Operations
8:05:23 Numpy Special Functions
8:09:58 SciPy
8:10:48 What is Python SciPy?
8:12:23 Basic Functions
8:15:48 Special Functions
8:18:53 Integration Functions
8:24:43 Linear Algebra
8:26:48 Interpolation Functions
8:28:18 Pandas
8:29:18 Data life-cycle
8:31:23 What is Pandas?
8:35:33 Pandas Operations
8:54:13 Example
8:59:38 Python for Statistics
9:02:43 Pydoop
9:04:03 Matplotlib
9:04:28 Data Visualization
9:09:13 Matplotlib
9:10:13 Types of Plots
9:30:13 Multiple Plots
9:32:18 Seaborn
9:32:53 Introduction to Seaborn
9:33:33 Seaborn vs Matplotlib
9:34:28 How to install Seaborn?
9:34:48 Installing Dependencies
9:35:33 Python Seaborn Functions
9:44:23 Multi-Plot Grids
9:47:08 Plot Aesthetics
9:50:58 FIFA Use-case
10:15:33 OpenCV Tutorial
10:16:03 What is Computer Vision?
10:16:48 How computer reads an Image?
10:18:53 What is OpenCV?
10:19:58 Basic operations with OpenCV
10:27:33 Face Detection
10:27:38 Face Detection using OpenCV
10:31:53 Capturing Video
10:43:28 Use-case - Motion Detector
10:54:58 Web Development Framework
10:55:23 What are Frameworks in Python?
11:08:34 Python Web Development
11:09:04 Python Web Development Libraries
11:09:24 Python & Django
11:28:19 Web Scraping
11:33:49 Packages used for web Scraping

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Python Tutorial For Beginners - Learn Python Full Course in 12 Hours
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