React Component for i18n currency input using Intl API


A React component for i18n currency input using Intl API.


$ npm install react-intl-currency-input --save-dev

How to use

import React from "react"
import IntlCurrencyInput from "react-intl-currency-input"

const currencyConfig = {
  locale: "pt-BR",
  formats: {
    number: {
      BRL: {
        style: "currency",
        currency: "BRL",
        minimumFractionDigits: 2,
        maximumFractionDigits: 2,

const BrlCurrencyComponent = () => {
  const handleChange = (event, value, maskedValue) => {

    console.log(value); // value without mask (ex: 1234.56)
    console.log(maskedValue); // masked value (ex: R$1234,56)

    <IntlCurrencyInput currency="BRL" config={currencyConfig}
            onChange={handleChange} />

export default BrlCurrencyComponent;



To run the example:

$ npm run example:start

And a new browser window will open at http://localhost:3000


Name Type Default Description
currency string USD Sets the currency code
config object USD related configuration Configuration object compliant with react-intl intlShape
autoFocus boolean false Enables auto-focus when the component gets displayed
autoSelect boolean false Enables auto-select when the component gets displayed
autoReset boolean false Resets component’s internal state when loses focus
onChange function undefined (event, value, maskedValued) => {}

Exposes the Event itself, the value with no mask and maskedValue for displaying purposes |
| onFocus | function | undefined | (event, value, maskedValued) => {

Called when the component gains focus |
| onBlur | function | undefined | (event, value, maskedValued) => {

Called when the component loses focus |
| onKeyPress | function | undefined | (event, key, keyCode) => {}

Called when a key is pressed |
| max | number | undefined | maximum value for the input. Input does not change if the value is greater than max |

All other undocumented properties available for any React Component should be available.

Download Details:

Author: thiagozanetti


#reactjs #javascript

React Component for i18n currency input using Intl API
12.20 GEEK