See how to test drive R 4.0 in a Docker container, plus a look at three new R 4.0 features for color palettes and strings

There are some interesting changes and updates in R 4.0. Here I’ll take a look at three of them. Plus I’ll give you step-by-step instructions on installing R 4.0 so it won’t interfere with your existing R installation — by running R with Docker.

Docker is a platform for creating “containers” – completely self-contained, isolated environments on your computer. Think of them like a mini system on your system. They include their own operating system, and then anything you want to add to that – application software, scripts, data, etc. Containers are useful for a lot of things, but here I’ll focus on just one: testing new versions of software without screwing up your current local setup.

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How to run R 4.0 in Docker — and 3 cool new R 4.0 features
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