Hey Everyone! This is a really exciting video. Not only are we going to learn how to make Flappy Bird in pure JavaScript, HTML and CSS (No canvas required), but we are going to learn how to:

  1. Deploy it onto a website so we can share it, thanks to Fleek.
  2. Make it Multiplayer in Part 2 on Srushtika’s channel.
  3. PLUS BONUS: Watch me and Srushtika get interviewed on the making of the game by fellow YouTuber Eddie.

We are going to be hosting our built games on Fleek in this walkthrough. You will leave with a personalized fleek URL, but if you would like a different one you can also purchase domains via them too.

For those of you who have not heard of Fleek, they make it easy to build and integrate privacy, encryption, and p2p functionality into your sites, web & native apps. It’s built on the new internet! So on IPFS, a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.

#javascript #html #css #game-development #programming

We make FLAPPY BIRD + DEPLOY it on IPFS in 1min!
2.70 GEEK