I wanted to write up some thoughts and a quick tutorial on one of my favourite development tools, Storybook. You can use Storybook which allows you to develop user interface components in isolation. It can also aid in the development and documentation of design systems — which are sets of components and design standards that companies develop to be used across their apps.

What is a Design System

Large companies normally have multiple applications — external facing, internal facing, and cross-platform. It can be difficult to unify the design across these platforms. So, many companies are implementing design systems to help create unified design across all of their products and platforms.  Here is a great example of how Airbnb implements its design system.

You may have heard of a component library before — these are collections of components that you can import and use in your projects. A design system extends this to also include style and content guidelines and other rules for future design work.  This is a great post about how to design systems go beyond component libraries.

#web-development #react #javascript #storybook

How to Develop React Components Without an App using Storybook
6.80 GEEK