Scott M

Top 6 Most Popular OpenCart modules for online stores

Do you own an OpenCart store and are looking for some of the most popular OpenCart modules to add to your store? Then this is the final destination for your search.

OpenCart is a free, open-source eCommerce platform that has about 13000+ modules for better functioning of the store and increases customer engagement. It has a simple architecture as compared to other platforms. OpenCart provides affordable themes, extensions, and services for the store.

When it comes to OpenCart extensions, numerous companies provide OpenCart extensions. But here a question can arise in your mind about how to select the most trusted and cooperative one from those multiple companies. The answer to your question is knowledge. Knowband is a reputable company that has been providing eCommerce development services with distinction for many years.

So, having services from an organization that is continuously proving its superiority will always be beneficial for you. Let’s now discuss the most popular OpenCart extensions by Knowband which will be profitable for your store.

OpenCart One Page Checkout module

Generally, the checkout process for any product is quite long and on different pages, which may affect the customer’s mood of purchasing. As there will be different pages for various fields to fill in for completing the purchase. These fields can be cart options, address, payment, login, etc. How about having all these fields on one page?
The OpenCart one-page checkout module will enable you to provide all the necessary details required to be filled in for checkout on one page. This will save customers time and effort while buying the goods. With the help of the OpenCart single-page checkout extension, you can provide multiple options for checkout on the page like social login, address, guest checkout, payment, and many more. You can also provide other options, such as a newsletter subscription on the checkout page. This is image title

OpenCart Abandoned Cart module

It might happen that after adding products to the cart, customers leave the purchase process in between without completing the transaction. This can be because of the product’s price, shipping, and additional costs, etc. Well, you need not worry about those carts which have products left in them.
The OpenCart abandoned cart module will allow you to send serial reminders to customers about their cart so that they come back and complete the process which they left in between. With the help of the OpenCart abandoned cart serial reminder module, you can track the activities of all the abandoned and converted carts from the backend. You can send reminders of offering discounts on the products to customers they left in the cart. It will help you with bringing them back to the store and completing their incomplete purchase.
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OpenCart Store Locator and Pickup extension

Customers may avoid purchasing products due to delivery charges or the time required for delivery in some cases. They are about to buy the products, but when they run into these problems, they take a step back and change their mood. So, to overcome this situation, the OpenCart store locator and pickup is the best option.
The OpenCart store locator module will enable you to provide in-store pickup facilities for the customers. With the help of the OpenCart store pickup addon, you can easily display your stores on Google Maps on the front end. You can also display other details of stores such as name, contact, address, etc.
This will help customers to easily locate the nearest store available to them to pick up their order. This will relieve them from other charges on products. You can display multiple stores along with their timings.
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OpenCart Multi-Vendor Marketplace extension

It’s quite obvious that you might think of opening your business as big as marketplaces like Flipkart, Amazon, etc. Well, you can easily do it with the help of the OpenCart multi-vendor marketplace extension.
The OpenCart multi-seller marketplace module will enable you to convert your online store into a marketplace. You can easily manage the activities from the backend interface, like outside sellers’ login/registration, commission on each trade, trading activities, etc.
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OpenCart eBay Marketplace Integration addon

eBay is a popular American eCommerce website that has a large network of sellers and buyers all over the world. How about connecting your business with eBay?
So, with the help of the OpenCart eBay marketplace integration addon, you can easily synchronize your store with eBay to expand your store’s business. With the help of the OpenCart eBay Marketplace integration module, you will be able to manage products, inventory, and orders in your store and on eBay at the same time easily.
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OpenCart eCommerce Mobile App Builder addon

In the 21st century, nearly everyone is using mobile phones and all the facilities are easily available through mobile apps. How about launching your store app?
With the help of the OpenCart eCommerce mobile app builder module, you can easily launch your store app for both android and iOS platforms. This will help you in targeting a large section of mobile-friendly customers. The OpenCart mobile app builder module will enable you to launch your multi-store compatible app without any technical knowledge.
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All of the above-mentioned modules are offered by Knowband at a reasonable rate. So, as per your requirement, go and grab these feature-rich modules which will result in high customer engagement and sales.

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