Learn the fundamentals of Microsoft Azure FAST and pass the Azure Fundamentals exam fast with this targeted exam cram course! The Azure Fundamentals exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge of cloud concepts, core Azure services, Azure pricing, SLA, and lifecycle, and the fundamentals of cloud security, privacy, compliance, and trust. This course covers ALL ITEMS mentioned in the “AZ-900 skills measured” document on the AZ-900 exam homepage.

INTRO: 00:00:41
MODULE 1: 00:02:05
MODULE 2: 00:15:28
MODULE 3: 00:45:45
MODULE 4: 01:12:45
MODULE 5: 01:24:38
MODULE 6: 01:46:02

AZ-900 Practice Exam
120 questions, no login required!

Note on exams on Starweaver
I will not be updating exams on Starweaver, but instead making updated question pool at the FREE link above!

PDF Presentation Download - AZ-900 Exam Cram FULL COURSE

AZ-900 on MS Learn

[BOOK] Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Exam Reference

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Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam Cram (AZ-900) Full Course 2021
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