What is inLarb Network (LARB) | What is LARB token | inLarb Network (LARB) ICO

inLarb Network is an advertisement and event platform based on augmented reality. the platform offers indoor and outdoor advertisement to businesses, immersive experience and indoor events to event organizers and immersive shopping experience to retailers.

Larb token as the native currency of the platform will fuel activities such as advertisement space, virtual rentals, portal deployment, advertisement campaign, indoor events and also used to reward community members for active participation.

What is inLarb P2E?

inLarb Participate to Earn (P2E) mechanism is a reward system based on active participation on the Network. As a community driven network, inLarb will be rewarding users based on their interaction with the network by attending curated events by inLarb or 3rd partners, interacting with advertisement campaign, surveys, referrals and organizing own events.

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inLarb will reward Community members with Larb token which can be used to pay for event tickets, portal deployment, virtual rentals, advertisement campaign, gaming and also can be exchanged for other cryptocurrency on the market.

How are users rewarded?

Users will be rewarded for their time spent on an event (limited numbers), interacting with advertisement campaign, taking brand’s surveys regarding a product or services, playing games and curating events. There will always be a limited amount of reward which will be allocated to each campaign and the platform will be adopting the First Come First Serve system to reward users for participating.

In other to make the reward system also interesting, inLarb will limit the total reward users can claim based on their holdings of Larb token. Users will only be able to claim 50% of total amount of Holdings, which means that if you hold 50,000 Larb token, the total number of Larb token you can claim in a month on reward will not exceed 25,000. The more Larb token you hold, the more reward you can claim in a month. Minimum amount of Larb token to hold is 100 LARB token.

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Why is inLarb rewarding users?

As a Community driven network, inLarb has decided to give back to the community for their contribution to the growth of the platform. The success of every platform depends on the concept, team and the community and inLarb is not neglecting the Community part.

Community members will also share in the platform success by being rewarded on every actions they perform on the network.

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ICO DATES: Jul 1, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020

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What is inLarb Network (LARB) | What is LARB token | inLarb Network (LARB) ICO
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