Have you start using the New Flutter Navigator 2 😍?

lets take a look of what Navigator 2 will brings in to the table.

1. a more Flutterish-reactive declarative style.

2. better support for screen replacing.

3. better support for multiple pushes and pops.

4. full support to incoming URLs (e.g.: Flutter Web and/or app deep linking).

5. full support to browser history while using Flutter Web.

that’s been said I bet you’re super excited to give it a try, So if you haven’t use it till now, then DON’T 😢

Please Note that **there is nothing wrong at all with the navigator 2 **itself but the problem is with HOW to use it, and the amount of boilerplate code you have to write to get the simplest task in action.

that has been said, let us see what we can do to get the most of Navigator 2 in the simplest terms.

Well? say hi to  Qlevar Router 👏


#dart #navigator #navigation #flutter

Qlevar Router, a Clever Navigator 2 Wrapper.
2.35 GEEK